Salı, Mart 22, 2005

Sadness and Abhorrence

Age four, pretty child, little child. Hiding from her abusers. To the child, her hiding place is heaven, it is her security where the child can fantasize and pretend she is rescued from her abusers and placed in a new family, where Donna Reed is her mother, Robert Young is her father and Beaver is her brother.

It's her secret place where no one comes because it is where the garbage is thrown. The smell is appalling, the bugs, snakes and spiders are frightening but the isolation is welcome.

As she settles down to hide, a silent tear falls. This is where she cries her usual special cry, a silent cry without a sound so she will not be found. Her little body shakes with sobs as silent tears roll down her dirty face, leaving clean streaks on her little cheeks.

The tears fall around her feet and on the waiting daisys. Among the filth, stench and rusty cans grow wild and free daisys.

The child touches the daisy and loves the beauty. The daisys become her best friends and her symbol. They symbolize everything good, kind, beautiful, peaceful and most of all strong. They symbolize survival. The little child held to the hope that she can also be a daisy, growing out of the private dump she called home. She wanted to grow and be beautiful, no matter how much garbage life dumped on her.

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