Salı, Kasım 23, 2004

3rd One Song,One Movie,One Quote,One Feeling...

Tori Amos - Me and A Gun
Lukas Moodysson - Lilja 4-ever ( 2002 )
-[volodya] You know what?
-[lilja] I did think of jumping.
- ReaIIy?-Yeah.
-'Cause aII of this is buIIshit. I don't want to Iive anymore.
-Yeah,you do!,Course you want to!
-You saved my Iife.
-Now I'm gonna save yours.
-It's windy...there's a mist. It's so coId.

-And this worId isn't that good.
-[lilja] Now I'm jumping... and flying...
-[volodya ]No,you can't...
-Why not? It's up to me.
-I've had it with this Iife.It's compIete shit.
- No, it's not.
- Course it is. It's shit.
- No, it's not.
- Course it is. But it's the onIy one you've got.This Iife is the onIy one you've got.
-I don't want this Iife.
-I'm not interested.
-Look at me. I kiIIed myseIf and went to heaven and yeah, it's reaIIy good in heaven.
-But I regret it, 'cause I wanted to Iive on earth a IittIe Ionger.You remain dead for aII
eternity, but you're aIive onIy for a brief moment.
- I wasn't ready yet.
- Not ready?
-Remember that timewhen we sat on the bench and you wrote ''LiIya 4-ever''?
-And those asshoIes that spat at us?
-I said that we shouId Ieave but you said that you weren't ready
-You wanted to finish writing first.
-Do you remember?
-That's how it is now.
-Everyone's spitting at you,but you're not ready.
-Jump if you want. It's not dangerous. I'II catch you.
-But then you Iose. And the asshoIes that spit at you win. You see?

- No! I beg you!LiIya!

- No!
-[GirI, about 16 years oId faII from a height]
- One, two, three...

This fiIm is dedicated to the millions

of chiIdren around the worId
expIoited by the sex trade.

23.11.2004'e ithafen,

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